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Frederick Rickmann
Nordic Kitchen and Nordic Sound
Nordic cuisine and restaurants have become world renowned over the past many years and have been recognized through a spreading number of...

Frederick Rickmann
Trust your own creativity
It’s true, isn't it, that much of the automation and AI in our smart devices makes it easier for us to use them. On the other hand, it is...

Frederick Rickmann
Support the Circular Economy - buy a square loudspeaker.
If we are to achieve or even come close to the climate targets our governments have set, then the Circular Economy in some form is going...

Frederick Rickmann
AIR is clever - because it isn't smart
Online security and lack of data privacy are fast raising serious issues. As more of our digital devices become interlinked through smart...

Frederick Rickmann
THE WHITE ALBUM - the real thing
On the 22nd of November 2018, the WHITE ALBUM was re-released after 50 years. It was on the same date in 1968 that the Beatles launched...

Frederick Rickmann
Music While Eating is Really Healthy
It might seem so obvious. A kind of common sense that everyone knows. Yet there are terabytes of data being produced by very learned...

Presenting speakers to a critical crowd
Published on 31 January 2020 By City of Sound The speaker brand STEENSSEN is moving production from Asia to Struer. Today he is going to...

Danish company moves production from Asia to Denmark
Author: Sound Hub Denmark Published on: JANUARY 14, 2020 One of the first great news this year from Sound Hub Denmark is that the company...

Why is the bass important for loudspeakers? 交往對象的聲音讓你覺得安心舒服,你才會考慮把身體交出去
許多動物透過聲音求、擇偶,人類也不例外,交往對象的聲音讓你覺得安心舒服你才會考慮把身體交出去,這是有科學根據的,幾千年來所有的宗教老早知道透過聲音可以讓心靈與大地共振。 六字大明咒「嗡嘛呢叭咪吽」(梵語:ॐ मणिपद्मे हूं / oṃ maṇi padme...

Frederick Rickmann
OPEN THE POD BAY DOORS HAL...... I'm sorry Dave. I can't do that
At the start of December 2018, the Japanese tv company NHK started tv transmissions in veru high UHD quality. That is in 8K quality which...
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