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Frederick Rickmann
Support the Circular Economy - buy a square loudspeaker.
If we are to achieve or even come close to the climate targets our governments have set, then the Circular Economy in some form is going...

Frederick Rickmann
If you are in lock-down you aren't going to like this blog
A few years ago, my CO2 footprint was an environmental catastrophe. Not on the earth mind you, but in the air. Where it matters. I...

Frederick Rickmann
A man you have never heard of has changed your life!
Lou Ottens is the man. His work has certainly changed your life and that of your parents. He died at the age of 94 on the 6th March in...

Frederick Rickmann
Be lazy with ACTION
One of the many interesting aspects to come out of the present pandemic is that there is now a lot of scientific data about what happens...

Frederick Rickmann
Listening is the new together trend
In a world turned upside down it is refreshing to see that some of the things that bring us together are in fact some of the more...

Frederick Rickmann
Livestream your own concert
All over Europe, the lock-down restrictions are being removed, allowing more movement and contact. It’s great that the pandemic is on the...

What is ARSA 3D sound and how does it improve the quality of sound?
ARSA - Ambient Responsive Sonic Architecture is an acoustic system developed by STEENSSEN where the architecture of the internal...

Frederick Rickmann
菊島來的男子愛上寶島女子,想將女子帶回菊島共度一生,其理由相當單純:我不喜歡台灣。 儘管已經在台灣求學生活三年了,仍然厭惡大城市,說台灣人都很有心機。我無言以對,禮教告訴我:「來者是客、以和為貴」。後來我重新看這個問題,身為被歧視對象的我,為什麼沒有任何反應呢?是的,他說的...

Frederick Rickmann
文字為思想的載體 勿隨意興「戰」

Frederick Rickmann
Glass vs. Brick. Modern vs. Old. Barcelona
The capital of Catalonia offers many sight like this one. Glass and steel juxtaposed with brick. A great example of future rooted into...

Frederick Rickmann
You, me and the planet
One of the striking things about these present times is that the pandemic has made us realize that individually we are important....

Frederick Rickmann
Tweets about tweeters
Several STEENSSEN followers have raised the interesting question that there doesn't appear to be tweeter drivers included in the new NEO...
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