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Frederick Rickmann
The serenity of Hong Kong
Looking out over Causeway Bay on a calm cloudy evening. Even in the most vibrant and buzzing conurbations, there are periods when the...

Frederick Rickmann
Pilot the 4th Dimension
The shape of a tv screen now is more or less just like a sheet of black glass. It has length and height, but the thickness now is down to...

Frederick Rickmann
ABBEY ROAD. The world's most photographed pedestrian crossing for 50 years.
On the 8th August 1969 the BEATLES released their ABBEY ROAD album. The cover showed the group crossing the road outside the Abbey Road...

Frederick Rickmann
Cultural Sustainability
The societies which thrive best are the ones where the strengths of the past are brought together with the growth of the new parts of the...

....a G-string on AIR
If you want to hear this wonderful music as Johann Sebastian Bach intended then you need to hear it on an AIR from STEENSSEN. Bach...

If you live in a temperate climate like Europe, where STEENSSEN comes from, then you know the tricks that nature plays at this time of...

Frederick Rickmann
Are you delaying priorities?
人生真正重要的事情往往被瑣事絆住直到再也無法回頭那一刻 家中六個小孩都和父母同住的二十幾年間,正值青少年的我們對任何音樂、樂器的喜愛已經到了狂熱的地步,我們常要父母一起聽音樂,先父總是說:「等我老了有空…」直到2003年64歲離開我們,留下一堆「等我有空」的待辦事項。...

Switch Between the Past and the Future
While everything seems to be getting more and more digital, it is a wonderful paradox that more LP's are being produced than ever before....

Frederick Rickmann
如何創造網頁的價值? How to create the value of your website?

Frederick Rickmann
Could wrong direction lead you to correct destination? 方向錯怎麼走都不會到達

Frederick Rickmann
THE WHITE ALBUM - the real thing
On the 22nd of November 2018, the WHITE ALBUM was re-released after 50 years. It was on the same date in 1968 that the Beatles launched...

Frederick Rickmann
一公分的輸贏 the difference of 1 cm
某年海外差旅返家發現臥室落地窗旁一大灘水,仔細查看為先前大雨所致,幸好臥室內只放了床和桌邊櫃,窗邊沒有其它東西,未造成大災難。 不滿意家中門窗,強風豪雨時風沙雨水偶爾會從隙縫鑽/灌進來,大門密閉不良,蚊蟲從空隙鑽進家裡,更別談隔音效果了。...
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